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Breaking down Boston’s vaccine mandate

My Vax Records lets Massachusetts residents find their vaccination information. | Photo by BOStoday team

My Vax Records lets Massachusetts residents find their vaccination information. | Photo by BOStoday team

B Together, Boston’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for certain indoor spaces, begins tomorrow for residents 12 and older. We’re breaking down what this means + how you can be prepared for when you’re out and about in the city.

Where is proof of vaccination required?

  • Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs
  • Gyms and indoor fitness settings
  • Indoor entertainment venues (think: movie theatres, concert halls, and museums)

If you’re heading to a local bar to view the Bruins or Celtics games tomorrow, don’t forget your vaccine proof.

How can I show proof of vaccination?

The City will be introducing a B Together smartphone app tomorrow, available on the Apple and Google app stores, which will allow users to quickly display a photo of their vaccine card.

Boston residents can also use My Vax Records, Massachusetts’ online vaccine certificate. The site allows visitors to find their official vaccination record in the state’s public health database, then download the file as an image or add the information to their Apple Wallet.

There are other options for showing proof of vaccine, including:

How can I get a COVID-19 vaccine?

Note that the city’s mask mandate isn’t changing — Bostonians are still required to wear a mask in indoor public settings, regardless of vaccination status.