This month, Max (previously known as HBO) canceled the TV show “Julia” after just two seasons, despite positive reviews. The series tells the story of “The French Chef,” Juila Child, who started her TV career while living inCambridge, Massachusetts.
Julia Child left big shoes to fill in the cooking world when she died in 2004. She was the first American celebrity chef, the only woman in her class at Le Cordon Bleu in 1949, and the first woman inducted into the Culinary Institute of America’s Hall of Fame in 1993.
The first dish Child made on TV was part of her first book tour for “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” Viewers can see her whipping up an omelet in the TV show’s pilot, which recreates her first appearance on WGBH’s show.
Locals will also feel the impacts of the cancellation. Christine Tobin was the food stylist for the show and her team helped prep and cook food for the series.
If you were disappointed to hear about this plot twist, there is a petition to show support for the program.